
Doreen Foster

Have you ever yearned to do something totally different? And what if you ignored the doubting Thomas’ and did it anyway?  That’s the stuff my Page 1 Woman is made of. With almost 10 years as a manager in the arts, and uncertain where next, she left work, signed up for a business with Spanish degree, and did year 2 at Valencia University -all in Spanish. 
But guess what? She passed her exams and what a sense of achievement that gave her.   This reflects the type of challenges that this Page 1 Woman rises to. And looking at her life, you might even call her....



Suzy Miller

Have you ever been through a divorce? Whether or not you have, divorce is so commonplace these days that you’ll have some awareness of the agony it perpetuates. Acrimonious or amicable, it’s usually traumatic and in the same stable as bereavement. And when divorce gets into a drawn out court process, fuelled by combative lawyers, the effect on all concerned is....



Cheryl Chapman

If you were earning a 6 figure salary, would you give it up? With more than 30 years’ experience of the retail industry and all the trappings and enviable lifestyle that come with big bucks corporate jobs – nice house, flashy car, 5 star holidays, my Page 1 Woman of the Week lived a life that other people wanted her to have.  But in 2011, she ditched the 80 hour days, backstabbing and negativity – the unspoken reality of her megabucks job - and decided to live her newly found life purpose.  She walked her talk away from it all.  She became a....



Althea Grant

My Page 1 woman of the week, Althea Grant, was terrified of public speaking. Now, you wouldn’t have expected that of a family lawyer and a community activist. When, some years back, she did the rounds of local churches as leader of a campaign for justice for a church ‘brother’, the feedback said that she’d done it with her....



Marion Bevington

Have you ever lived on an island made from plastic bottles? Our Page 1 Woman of the Week has. 

She’s a global wanderer and a business owner with a background in IT in banking, insurance, online gambling and some of the big shot corporations.  And now she’s a dynamic yoga enthusiast, who takes yoga practice and philosophy into companies for workforce resilience, business growth and increased profits.  And that’s not all....